Why Democrats Shouldn't Vote For Clinton
Hillary Clinton may be the DNC darling, but she should not be crowned the presidential nominee without popular consent. We the people cannot allow Clinton to win if we want to see a progressive White House. Clinton"s policies are center-right, she carries too much baggage and she has too many enemies to win the general election. Below is a list of reasons why Clinton is unelectable.
(The following list of Clinton's malfeasance will continue to grow in order to help convince everyone.)
- A vote for Hillary is a vote for Donald Trump
- All hope of a better world is gone for Clinton voters.
- Clinton campaign "represents" Jeb Bush donar "values better than Trump."
- Clinton is hoarding 99 percent of funds raised for state parties.
- Clinton is smearing Sanders by lying about his auto-bailout record.
- Clinton only authored three laws during her time as a Senator.
- Clinton SuperPAC caught spending $1 million on social media trolls.
- Clinton will bring misery and defeat making the party nearly irrelevant.
- Clinton's #HillarySoQualified Twitter campaign backfires.
- Clinton's Democrats are America's next Republicans.
- Deceit and power work in Hillary Clinton's favor.
- Dianne Feinstein can"t remember any of Hillary's Senate accomplishments.
- Even Clinton advocates understand she has a likability problem.
- FEC loophole mean trolling SuperPAC can openly coordinate with Clinton.
- Hillary Clinton keeps a hit list favor file of saints and sinners.
- Hillary's Seattle event was $2700 per seat and a $50,000 fee to talk to her.
- How Hillary buys the loyalty of state Democratic parties.
- Please recognize your privilege if you can afford 8 years of Clinton.
- Privilege is what allows Clinton supporters to advocate for her Presidency.
- Pro Clinton Super PACs are ghostwriting for the Op-Ed pages of newspapers.
- Senior Clinton aide tells reporter, "Fuck Bernie."
- The 'Never Clinton' Campaign
- The Clinton machine is cheating in the 2016 Primary process.
- The Clinton presidency was odious according to Thomas Frank.
- The DNC needs to end its fear of being too progressive.
- The DNC rigged the Rules, Credentials, and Drafting committees for Clinton.
- Trump has a two point lead on Clinton.
- Voters know Clinton is a liar.
- Will Hillary Clinton be worse than Trump?
- 2008 Clinton portrayed herself as a "pro-gun churchgoer."
- Clinton approved illegal weapons shipments to Libya.
- Overseas US arms sales skyrocketed while Clinton was Secretary of State.
- Which Hillary, pro gun control or arms dealer to Libyan rebels?
- Clinton will compromise on abortion with exceptions for mother's health.
- 2 mil+ of Clinton's Twitter / Facebook followers are fake or never active.
- Clinton agrees with Trump on censoring the Internet.
- Clinton receives huge sums in donations from the prison industrial complex.
- Clinton tried to censor video games and other media.
- Clinton was against gay marriage until she was forced to support it.
- Clintons lack of a strong position on DADT angers LGBT community.
- Gay rights activists say Clinton is wrong on her DADT, DOMA revisionism.
- Clinton believes Boeing needs your money to remain competitive.
- Clinton gets her talking points from Wall Street.
- Clinton sounds like a Goldman Sachs managing director.
- Clinton supported NAFTA until she needed Union endorsements.
- Clinton supported the TPP 45 times before she flip-flopped.
- GATT is one of the Clinton White House greatest failures.
- Hillary Clinton is not a champion of the middle class.
- Hillary Clinton oppposes reinstating Glass-Steagall.
- Hillary supports the Export-Import Bank corporate welfare scam.
- Trump is a result of Clinton era abuse of the "captured constituency."
- Hillary Clinton emails reveal shameless promotion of private college.
- The Clinton family supports the great charter school rip-off.
- In states where voting machines are easier to hack Hillary does best.
- The Clinton Foundation may be the center of RICO racketeering charges.
- Clinton doesn"t really care about children drinking poisoned water.
- Clinton lies to voters about her 4.5 mil in donations from the oil industry.
- Clinton refuses to pledge ending donations from oil, gas and coal industry.
- Clinton supported the Keystone XL Pipeline until it became unpopular.
- Clinton used the State Department to promote fracking across the globe.
- Clinton yells #ImSoSick when confronted over 4.5 mil from Big Oil.
- Hillary Clinton has a close relationship with the fracking industry.
- Hillary Clinton will not ban fracking.
- Hillary's campaign flip flopped on the Michigan Gov's Resignation.
- Clinton energy initiatives pressured countries into fracking.
- A Clinton-scandal primer from Whitewater to Benghazi.
- Barack Obama explained how Hillary Clinton, "is just like Bush."
- Clinton as Secretary of State coordinated with her Foundation.
- Clinton charged a children's charity $200,000 for a speech.
- Clinton cynically made a deal with Obama to be the next president.
- Clinton had Vince Foster's missing Rose Law Firm records.
- Clinton has anger issues and cannot be told she is wrong.
- Clinton has been burying emails since she was first lady
- Clinton has ties to heroin kingpin Francesco "Ciccio" Gambino.
- Clinton is personally colluding and raising funds for her Super PAC.
- Clinton paid herself over $254,000 from her presidential campaign.
- Clinton publicly attacked the character of her husband's rape victims.
- Clinton uses Blue Nation Review & DailyNewsBin to spread fake news.
- Clinton verbally abuses her employees and staff.
- Clinton's email server broke rules on record-keeping without approval.
- Clinton's lying is even worse than Trump's!
- Elizabeth Warren thinks Wall Street bought Hillary's vote.
- FBI investigation to find 30,000 deleted emails has seized six computers.
- Hillary Clinton is a "congenital liar."
- Hillary Clinton smeared the victim of a child rapist.
- Hillary deleted her servers before handing them to the FBI.
- Hillary for Victory Fund may be violating campaign finance laws.
- Hillary goes to fundraiser at notorious mob mansion.
- Hillary may have 'triggered' suicide of Clinton counsel Vince Foster.
- Hillary won't say how much Goldman Sachs invested with her son-in-law.
- News network lobbyists are raising money for Hillary.
- NRA lobbyist will co-host Clinton fundraiser.
- The Clinton foundation illegally accepted millions from foreign governments.
- The Clinton Foundation is full of crooks and thieves.
- When Clinton lobbyists become super delegates.
- Hillary and her financial backers are no friends to women.
- Clinton conspired against president Zelaya during 2009 coup in Honduras.
- Clinton conspired with Google CEOs to keep #Bengazhi video blocked.
- Clinton continually expresses a desire for a ground war with ISIS.
- Clinton declared, "If I"m President we will attack Iran."
- Clinton defends continued US Imperialism in Korea and Germany.
- Clinton dislikes MoveOn's anti–war policies.
- Clinton Foundation donors received $165b in weapons contracts.
- Clinton has always been a "war hawk."
- Clinton is a moderate Neo-Con supporting Wall Street and perpetual war.
- Clinton is at top of the donations list for weapons manufacturers.
- Clinton is obfuscating her role in the Honduran coup.
- Clinton pushes for NATO aggression in Europe.
- Clinton treats Haiti as a vassal state.
- Clinton voted for Bush's fraudulent and illegal war in Iraq.
- Clinton wants Assad regime change to ensure Israeli "nuclear monopoly."
- Clinton wants to end Obama's treaty with Iran in favor of new sanctions.
- Clinton will strengthen the military of Israel in spite of it's war crimes.
- Clinton's AIPAC speech is deeply troubling for world peace.
- Clinton's friend congratulated her on bombing of Libya.
- Clinton's hands are covered in Colombian blood–money.
- Clinton's policy on Latin American is a "crime story."
- Emails reveal Hillary Clinton implicated in Honduras coup.
- Hillary emails framed Gaddafi with "viagra to troops" mass rape accusation.
- Hillary rejected Saif Qaddafi plan to democratise Libya; bombed instead.
- Hillary wants to stop the non-violent BDS movement boycotting Israel.
- The Clinton foreign policies will make Iran and Syria worse.
- The Clintons were responsible for the death of 500,000 Iraqi children.
- Clinton gets $13 mil form Health lobbyists, says "never" to single-payer.
- Clinton will deport children even if it results in "great harm."
- Clinton will not support driver's licenses for undocumented people.
- Clinton, "I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigration."
- Latinos say Clinton is dangerous for immigrants at LA protest.
- The difference between Clintons wall and Trumps was that her's was real.
- Clinton has no respect for striking unions.
- Clinton pays her female employees less than their male peers.
- Clinton was on the Board of Wal-Mart as the company fought unions.
- Hillary Clinton did endorse a $15 minimum wage, just not for everyone.
- Bill Clinton defended 1994 Crime Bill while dismissing #BlackLivesMatter.
- Bill Clinton interned for segregationist Arkansas Senator Fulbright.
- Clinton and the soft bigotry of low expectations.
- Clinton called single mother welfare recipients "deadbeats."
- Clinton called young black men 'super predators."
- Clinton has scammed the Southern states and is abandoning Obama.
- Clinton supported Goldwater during the 1964 presidential election.
- Clinton used sexism as a cudgel against both Obama and Sanders.
- Clinton's "Three Stirkes" policy is why we need criminal justice reform.
- Clinton's 3:00 a.m. ad in 2008 had a "racist sub-message."
- Does it matter Hillary was a "Goldwater Girl?"
- Governor Bill Clinton kept the Confederate stars on the Arkansas flag.
- Hillary Clinton has a complicated history with incarceration.
- Hillary Clinton is against abolishing the unjust death penalty.
- Hillary Clinton wants women to shut up and vote.
- Hillary is a hypocrite on marijuana legalization.
- Hillary's atrocious race record has been painful.
- Listen to audio of Clinton speaking about her defense of a child rapist.
- Clinton’s made $16.5m off Laureate International Universities, criticized for scaming students.
See anything inaccurate or missing? Tweet me @spencerthayer.